Where to 吃 and 喝 in the Dogpatch | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
People eating in a crowded dining area in SoMa. 贝博体彩app,加利福尼亚.
SoMa is home to one of San Francisco's most vibrant dining scenes.

Where to 吃 and 喝 in the Dogpatch

Experience the unique bars and restaurants that makeup San Francisco's Dogpatch neighborhood!

San Francisco has so many unique neighborhoods that visiting the City by the Bay is more like visiting a dozen cities in one. One neighborhood to keep on your radar is the Dogpatch. This once industrial neighborhood, just south of SoMa and its major attractions (Oracle Park, SFMOMA, and The Moscone Center, to name a few), is now one of the trendiest spots in the city. 位于海滨, it has beautiful views to enjoy while you relax at some of the most exciting restaurants in San Francisco. Almost every place in the neighborhood, including the 工艺博物馆 & 设计, is easily accessed via San Francisco 市政的 T line, making it all the more inviting for you to try multiple establishments. Here are our favorite spots for drinking and dining in the Dogpatch.



Originally opened in 1912, 辅助公司轿车 is one of the 贝博体彩app最古老的酒吧. During Prohibition, the bar became a soda shop speakeasy. The saloon is known for its cheap drinks and 自制啤酒. Though it’s named after the neighborhood, the decor is all puppy power.



Small bites is the name of the game at Gilberth’s. Some of our favorites are the Bruselas fritas (fried Brussel sprouts with Chile lime and manchego) and the nachos (fancy nachos with refried beans, 奶酪, 酸奶油, 和鳄梨调味酱). If you're looking for a larger portion, definitely try the carne asada or chilaquiles.

在Gilberth 's Latin Fusion餐厅用餐



Visitors can dig into some serious down-home comfort food here. Hard Knox's tables are covered with large tin trays of collard greens, MAC和奶酪, 还有炸鸡. 感觉更有冒险精神? Try the oxtail, the catfish, or the Cajun meatloaf. 

在Hard Knox咖啡馆用餐



观澜石度假村 is known for its mimosa 早午餐, served on the patio, but it’s so much more than that. Enjoy a dinner with their spicy Cajun gumbo, ceviche and bay shrimp Louie. 奖金: 友好型!

在Mission Rock度假村用餐



Piccino has a constantly rotating and time-sensitive menu (seriously; snacks only, 3-5 p.m.!). The delightful variety makes the experience worthwhile. 想吃点甜的吗?? Order the grapefruit float with candied grapefruit ice cream. Looking for a great appetizer to share? Sink your teeth into bruschetta topped with broccolini and pine nuts or persimmon and peanuts. 彻头彻尾的饥饿“? Head straight for the pasta with nettle pesto and peas. 



Aaron是Digital的经理 & Social 媒体 Marketing at San Francisco Travel. He has lived in San Francisco for over 10 years and has worked in Travel & 其中超过8个是旅游业. He is usually exploring the Bay Area hunting for that new and unique experience and good food too!